About this site: zero mile grub

Fall harvest vegetable preserves

grub (\’grǝb\)
verb:  to search for something by digging or turning over earth
noun:  food
(source:  dictionary.cambridge.org)

Howdy, I’m Nicole, and welcome to Zero Mile Grub, which aims to provide help on growing food in your own garden, as well as provide recipes that feature your home-grown food in delicious meals.

Easter Egg II radish

We eat most types of food (although I personally don’t like seafood), but the majority of our meals use chicken, eggs, or plant-based sources of protein.  I do, however, have a very weak spot for freshly baked bread, even though I have not yet learned how to grow wheat.

We are trying to become self-sufficient in terms of food, although that is difficult in an urban environment, where land is scarce.  We are currently able to grow all the vegetables we need for the summer.  Most of our food is grown in our local allotment garden plot that we rent from the City of Toronto.  We also grow what we can in our shady garden at home, zero miles from our kitchen.

Assorted heirloom tomatoes

I love to grow food, and I love to eat food, but I have a confession to make: I am a lousy cook. And I mean bad. The food itself may taste okay, but it is always cold.  I can’t figure out which step needs to be done first, and end up doing things in the wrong order, so nothing is ready at the same time.  And I am very sloooow.  It once took me a whole afternoon to make a Spanish tortilla.  Luckily, my partner Mathieu is a wonderful cook!  He is able to turn the food I grow into something amazingly tasty to eat.  Plus, the food is still hot when it gets to the table!



2 thoughts on “About this site: zero mile grub

  1. Wow! Quel site invitant! Présentation digne de professionnels, superbes photos, textes clairs parsemés de beaux clins d’œil. Je serai une fidèle lectrice, j’en suis convaincue! Joyeux printemps! Et….. bons préparatifs jardiniers!

  2. Excellent & interesting articles. The whole layout of the page is easy to read & easy to navigate. Excellent work! Of course, I am biased.

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